Thursday, January 26, 2006


Let me begin by saying some of my best friends graduated from Boston College, and by no means should I stereotype many thousands of BC students and alumni. But I also have vowed twice (I didn't learn) to never again set foot on BC campus because of the shameful way Notre Dame football fans were treated on gameday by what seemed like everyone around us not wearing blue & gold. BC fans, translate "f-ck Notre Dame" and think about what you're actually saying. I really don't understand the hatred directed our way, although I think there's a connection to the "Yankees suck" nonsense.

Anyway, NDnation has listed ND's opponent on October 13, 2007 as "Fredo", after the character in the Godfather. Hilarious. And by the way, the editor's note in the Fredo post is a bit much in my opinion, but I can understand where the frustration is coming from.


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