Calla - TT the Bear's

It's a good thing Calla's songs are so strong, because they mailed in their show at TT the Bear's last night and I still remain a devoted fan. Strangely, they were without their second guitarist, and their full, raw sound was so noticeably lacking that it made me wonder. Did they get in a fight? Is he sick? Did he fall off the tour bus? I can't imagine they actually chose to go without, but I think that's what happened. Guitarist/lead vocalist Aurelio Valle gamely attempted both rhythm and lead guitar parts, but songs like "Initiate", "Strangler", and "It Dawned on Me" were crying for more depth.
Sean Donovan's seductive rolling basslines took center stage in the mix last night, and that was a big silver lining. Aurelio did his thing, singing and picking out warm guitar lines on his hollow-body guitar with the usual attitude of affected-but-shy indifference. Having seen them several times before, last night it just seemed tired.

Despite an off night at TT's last night, I'll be there next time they're in town.
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