Thursday, August 31, 2006

Calling all rock stars

I'm ready to start a new band, and man is it difficult to find normal people. Anyone know a singer, bassist, and/or drummer? Qualifications are that they don't take themselves too seriously or have an uncontrollable ego, they are willing to practice once or twice a week, and most importantly, that they are sane. Most of the posters on craiglist are nuts in one way or another, just some of them hide it better than others.

Extra points for someone near the T with a basement...

Monday, August 21, 2006


I rented a Scion Zipcar last week. I think the Scion can be compared to the houses currently being mass-produced in subdivisions all across the US.

Consider the following for both:

- flashy exterior
- terrible performance & poor long term sustainability
- lots of interior options included to mask a fundamental lack of quality

Also, when I eventually buy a car it's not going to sound like the Nintendo RC Pro-Am go karts.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I'm heading up to Rangeley tomorrow to hang out with Heather, Kittson, and David at the lake house - I can't wait. A much needed chill-out weekend. I'm even looking forward to the drive up. After I get through a day of meetings from hell today and a noon presentation tomorrow, I'm home free. I'm sure I just jinxed myself there.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


A dismal site visit today to a not-to-be-named beautiful town in western Mass where my firm has been hired by the town to do a review of another engineer's development plans. The developer's plan is to turn a lot of this (actual picture from the site):

into something like this, but actually much worse because ugly 2-story detatched triplexes are proposed at a much lower density:

This is a travesty. I also saw this house in a brand new development in the same town.

Come on. Our communities are degenerating all across New England, and the effects are disastrous.