Ern's boyfriend Frank is a fashion designer, who knew? He came up with this brilliant design, which would sell like crazy, I'm sure of it, if it weren't for the fact that the two actual clothing manufacturers involved would be tripping over themselves to sue him. The shirt looks quite respectable:

Until you zoom in on the logo:

Hilarious! It reminds me of the Darwin fish eating a christian fish and vice versa that you see on cars sometimes. that, and calvin peeing on a chevy/ford/other truck manufacturer logo. I enjoy a good logo battle.
i've heard he calls is "the alligator eating the horsey-guy." brilliant! making waves at country clubs everywhere, i'm sure...
very clever!
a real pioneer I say...a few years ago ben proposed a newport rivalry of whales vs. lobsters...this is a whole new game. i said preppy punk was making its way back. i think the next stop for frank is teen vogue...or maybe harajuku??
i did hear this rumor that dad's closet was being rummaged through a few weekends ago. I am sure there are more shirts that can be destroyed...can you make me one before golf and country club season hits? glad to see your dream became a reality!
if he were really a fashion designer--or a pun preppy--we all know that shirt would really be pink.
This is only the prototype. After the initial market test, Lacoatolo, Inc. will be coming out with a full line of colors and sizes. Prices will be about $180, since in order to make them you have to destroy two $75 shirts. Get your orders in now. They'll go fast. By the way, anyone know a good lawyer.
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