Duluth charrette

The greatest art is to shape the quality of the day. - Thoreau
City Hall plaza update: the circus has come to town.
I had never celebrated my half birthday until last week, to tell you the truth I never actually knew when it was, but now I'll never let a March 16 go by without suspicion of everyone and everything around me. Heather planned a surpise party, I thought we were heading out for a relaxing dinner at the Summer Shack and a whole group of our friends end up walking in the door and sitting down for dinner with us! We ended up moving downstairs for bowling at Kings, my second time ever with the normal size non-candlepin setup. Good times.
Just when it seems like things are easing up a bit, work and CNU committments get turned up a notch. I'm losing control of my to-do lists.
Here's a good overview of the Knight Fellowship program and the annual charrette.
Lombard sent me a lovely picture this morning:
I have been on a cd-buying binge lately. That's how I operate. Months with no new additions to the iPod, then cd purchases at an alarming rate, repeat as desired. Here are capsule reviews of a few of the latest: