While down the Cape on vacation last week, we ran across this sign along the side of the road near our hotel, straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Sucker for animals that I am (old roommate Scott and I came very close to adopting two kittens last year, and we were mocked endlessly) we all noticed, but I didn't think anything about it until the next day when Heather, with a spark in her eye, told me she wanted to go take a look. As an aside, we have talked about getting a dog for a long time but never with the intention of actually doing it. I didn't think.
We went the next day with my brother, Nicole, and my mom, and were greeted by the craziest lady I have ever seen. I wish I had a picture of her, she looked like the nasty old lady in There's Something about Mary, and if I could pick two words to sum her up they would be erratic and incomprehensible. Anyway, within her large fenced-in backyard there was a smaller corralled in area with maybe 12 pug puppies (9 wks) jumping around all over each other. She gave us free reign to play with them, we let them out of the corral, and it was immediate chaos. Pug puppies running all over the place, we didn't stop laughing the whole time we were there. Needless to say, Heather was convinced, and I certainly was not the voice of reason...

The only clear answer we could get from the mad old lady was that they cost $1000 each. After talking over the cons (the pros were obvious), we decided that getting two of the puppies would make leaving them alone when we went to work less of a weight on our conscience. Heather working from home as much as she does would keep them company, but with her as busy as she is and sometimes without time to even eat lunch, maybe there wouldn't be time to take them out. And her travel schedule would leave me in charge quite often. But the clincher on this decision was thinking about negotiating with the insane breeder, who before we left had been feeding the puppies coke. Impossible.
So....anyone know of pugs for sale in the Boston area?
By the way, anyone notice how I keep saying "we" when talking about the little guys? Oops...